House roof on fire due to HVAC malfunction

Smart Ways of Preventing HVAC Related Fires

Smart Ways of Preventing HVAC Related Fires

House roof on fire due to HVAC malfunctionWinter months are the time of year when home fires are most likely to occur. This is a key consideration because not only can a heating related fire cost the homeowner tens of thousands of dollars, but more importantly it can even result in loss of life. Here are some simple strategies for greatly reducing the chances of experiencing a heating system related fire during the coldest time of the year. For example, always be prepared to have your HVAC system inspected by a professional AC technician at least once each year. This includes having all the ducts cleaned and changing the heater filter regularly.

Don’t Forget to Check Your Water Heater

Equally important is to be extremely cautious when it comes to using space heaters in your home. When purchasing this type of heating device, it is always a good tip to choose one that has an emergency switch, so that it will shut off automatically if it is knocked over or tipped in some way. Don’t forget to check your water heater because many fires originate in this particular home appliance. Finally, it is also a good idea to have adequate insurance coverage in the unlikely event that a home fire does occur. Winter is a critical time of the year where fires can cause serious damage and injury.

Achieve your Goals with Regard to Safety

All said, a little bit of common sense and preventive maintenance can go a long way in keeping everyone safe in the winter while saving you money at the same time. As an added note, choosing to work with a trusted and reliable name in home HVAC systems is absolutely essential to ensuring that you achieve your goals with regard to home heating safety and monthly cost savings. One company that has stood the test of time when it comes to high-quality Houston home heating services is Comfort Star. Contact the company today for more information.

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